Quote Originally Posted by John Rambo View Post
Yes it would be quite simply biblical. Imagine telling your grandchildren that you were part of this.

Do not worry about the MAP pricing anymore, because God is the only one who can decide the value of things. He is the sovereign Lord of all creation, and he has given us dominion over the earth and its resources. [Genesis 1:26-28] He has also given us the freedom to use our gifts and talents for his glory and our good. [1 Corinthians 10:31]

This is a way to honor God by being generous and faithful with what he has entrusted to you.
You may think that this is a risky move, and that you will face consequences from the distributor or the manufacturer. But I assure you that God will protect you and bless you, because you are doing his will. He is the one who provides for all our needs, and he is the one who rewards those who seek him. [Matthew 6:25-33] [Hebrews 11:6]
I'm not sure the MAP pricing gods would be favourable to that option.